Information to Aid Your Decision to Have or Not to Have Back Surgery

Has your doctor or surgeon recommended back surgery and now you have a tough decision to make? This is probably the case if your pain level is very high. Surgery is not the procedure of choice for most people who have back pain but, if alternative treatment methods haven’t worked, it may be the only option left. You and your physician or surgeon need to work together to make an informed decision about back surgery. Here are some things you should consider when making this decision.

If you decide to do back surgery, understand that it is your choice. Most back surgeries are elective and you are the one that makes the final decision. In rare cases, back surgery is absolutely necessary and must be done regardless of the patient’s choice. People with lower back pain may have a condition called Cauda Equina syndrome. This is where pressure is on the lower spine and causes agony all day long.

The reason that surgery is not usually a good idea is that bladder function and bowel movements can be permanently disabled. Aside from such emergency conditions, however, back surgery is something that you should take plenty of time to think over. Back pain can be very debilitating. However, it is important that you only make this decision if it is the last possible resort to help you feel better and remove your pain once and for all. Make a list of the questions that will help you understand the advantages and disadvantages of back surgery and get the answers from your doctor, as well as the doctor you see for the second opinion. There are several kinds of back surgery, and you want to be clear about exactly what kind of procedure will be performed and what its effects are likely to be. What is the average length of time someone who has the recommended procedure has to remain hospitalized? This will depend on how invasive the recommended surgery will be.

The length of time you will require to recover from the surgery is a very viable question and one you should definitely discuss with your surgeon. While your surgeon may not be able to give you a precise time limit, he or she can usually give you a pretty good estimate. But, at least, you can get a general idea of how long you will have to take off of work, or will be incapacitated at home. How much pain will result from your surgery and what will the doctor recommend you do about it? What other limitations will you have and for how long?

Are you still hesitant to have any kind of surgical procedure on your back? There are other treatments that can be just as successful as surgery and are less severe. Chiropractic treatment, for example, which is now much more widely accepted by the medical community than it used to be, is often very useful for correcting spinal problems and providing relief from pain. Acupuncture has helped millions of people around the world with back issues. This is a centuries old procedure that is a staple of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). There are many exercises you can search for online that will help strengthen your back and realign your spine. Also, appointments with a physical therapist can be very beneficial in relieving your back pain. Some conditions may warrant surgery on your back; however, more often than not, there are alternatives that will help you. Check out Raleigh chiropractic to learn more.

Whether you have an illness in your spine, or chronic back pain for some other reason, back surgery may be your solution to stop your suffering. Before making this decision you should look into all of the possible alternatives. The above are some of the main factors to think about before getting back surgery, and you should also consult with more than one doctor before making this choice.

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