Have you been trying to figure out if you should be spending your hard earned money on getting regular massages? The following are some not yet widely known benefits of massages!
One thing about massage you should know about is that induces chemical changes in the brain. These changes lower your body pain and levels of stress overall. This is terrific news as it means that you do not necessarily have to massage the exact area where you have pain. If, for example, you are nervous about having someone massage your lower back, have them massage your shoulders or arms instead. The pressure in those areas gives a signal to your brain so that the chemical reactions can change. After a while, your lower back muscles will relax also.
There are a number of experts who think that getting a regular massage can help you stay healthy. There have been studies that prove massage boosts your immune system which makes it easier for you to fight off illness and disease. This happens because your body creates more de-stressors when it is being massaged. To use one example, science has found that the cortisol levels in your body are decreased when you get a massage regularly. Cortisol is induced by stress and assaults the immune system so assuaging your stress is a good way to continue to be healthy.
Did you know that a massage can bring down your blood pressure level? High blood pressure is reduced also. This happens because massage sets off the pneumogastric nerve which is responsible for helping the brain regulate the levels of your blood pressure and other vital bodily functions. A 2005 study proves that individuals hypertension showed a marked improvement in their levels after having just ten ten-minute massages over the course of a few weeks.
There are a number of advantages to getting regular massages. Most people understand that it can be a relaxing experience but it can help treat a number of medical conditions as well. The real truth is that there is no one type of massage that is better than the other.
Are you experiencing back pain or discomfort? You may want to consider chiropractic care. Chiropractic Cary will be able to help relieve your back pain and possibly prevent chronic pain.
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