Funeral homes have been around for hundreds of years, helping family members take care of and have services and celebrations of life for loved ones. A funeral home is going to work with you hand in hand through the entire process of a loved one’s passing, so you won’t be going through the surprisingly complex task of dealing with a deceased loved one alone. Having EMT’s and police around right after a passing is stressful enough on its own, though they’re just doing their duties. Trying to deal with all of the hoops you have to jump through when someone passes all on your own can honestly be overwhelming and near impossible, especially considering what you’re likely going through. From getting copies of death certificates, which you need for a lot of things, to cremation and caskets, your funeral home should be your one stop shop when someone in your life passes away.
Funeral Planning
The death of a loved one is a big life event, often traumatic and stressful for those closely involved. We all know that death is our ultimate fate one of these days, but that doesn’t make it any easier or better when that time actually does come. For a lot of people, the last thing you really want to do is have to deal with the body and everything encompassing that by yourself. You either have to embalm or have the body in a sub 36 degree fridge within 24 hours, that’s not much time to learn about and then do it successfully. If you were wondering, in most states you aren’t required by law to go through a funeral home. They are a service, and though heavily governmental regulated on the local and federal level, you have the choice to not purchase their services as is your right. Though not required, almost all families do utilize the services of funeral homes because of the standard of care and regulations around the handling and disposition of the deceased. A person choosing to provide “at home” funeral services must follow the same laws and provide the same level of care for the body as would be expected by any funeral service practitioner, legally speaking, and most families just don’t have the desire or knowledge to do this. The fine folks at your funeral home spend years learning all of the details of a funeral home, meaning they’re trained professional while you’re going to be busy teaching yourself for a while just to get started. Completely different circumstances, but it’s like calling in a plumber to fix your water heater. They’re experts, they can get right to work fixing it. You on the other hand will have to do research, test things out, and generally shoot blind at least in the beginning. It’s best to leave the hard detailed work to the pros that do it every day.
Your local funeral home will help you every single step along the way in dealing with the passing of a loved one or acquaintance. Let’s do a quick walk through of what usually takes place when you choose to use a funeral home. Funeral practices and rites vary greatly among cultures and religions. However, funeral practices usually share some common elements—removing the deceased to a mortuary, preparing the remains, performing a ceremony that honors the deceased and addresses the spiritual needs of the family, and carrying out final disposition of the deceased. Funeral directors arrange and direct these tasks for grieving families, taking great pride in their ability to provide comfort to family and friends of the deceased and in providing appropriate services. Funeral home directors tend to be connected with just about everyone in the town, so they can certainly help you get flowers, arrange a funeral at your church, whatever you need from them! They also deal with helping you write and put out an obituary, they will literally help you with every single detail if you want or need it. Most state laws also require a body be embalmed if 24 hours elapse between death and burial, and most funeral directors are licensed and trained in doing just that. With the rising popularity of cremation, a lot of funeral homes are starting to do it on site, they even sell urns so you truly don’t have to go elsewhere for anything. Funeral homes help handle everything, and we recommend you keep one in mind just in case you need their services unexpectedly one of these days.
Funeral Insurance
So if you weren’t well informed of you were skeptical just how much value funeral services have, you should now have a much better and more clear idea of what they can do. Also, all funeral directors have to be trained and licensed in a number of areas before they can do anything at all, so you can count on the fact that you’re really working with professionals. Their main job is to just honor the wishes of the family and deceased, help them sort out and plan all the details like services, obituary, visitation, and more. They’re there for whatever you need them for. Funeral insurance NC is one service that you’re going to want to use every time the need arises.
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