There are lots of reasons that you should eliminate your body’s physical stress. Stress is intrinsically complicated, there is more to it than what is happening inside of your mind. You need to remember the whole (powerful) mind-body connection.
Stress isn’t just the feedback your body gives you; it is a side effect too. All of the different ways that your body feels stress contribute to the decline of your overall health. You can really help yourself feel better by learning about the different ways to reduce your physical stress.
The way you breathe has an enormous impact on stress, and this can be used to your advantage. The modern way of breathing is not very healthy for most people. If you breathe through your chest rather than your diaphragm, you should make a change. The best way to breathe is in a way that pulls down your diaphragm, which means through your belly. This action in turn allows your lungs to fill to capacity. Chest breathing does not have this effect on the diaphragm and so the lungs are not completely filled with air. Stress is much less likely to affect you when you breathe in the proper manner. You will also feel more healthy and energetic from the increased flow of oxygen.
Recent research shows that one of the most stressful activities of all, surprisingly enough, is sitting all day long. If you have any kind of office job, this definitely applies to you. Freelance writers, who work at home, are faced with this issue every day, too. There are some innovative developments, such as exercise ball chairs and desks where you stand rather than sit as you work. If you can’t avoid sitting for long stretches, you should be sure to take frequent breaks. If you can take even a five or ten minute break every hour, this will help a great deal. You can also reduce the amount of stress you receive from sitting by having good posture and adjusting your chair to the appropriate height. If you’re aware of this issue, you can take steps to improve your posture and take regular breaks from sitting.
Massage is an excellent way to get rid of the signs of physical stress in your body. There are many massage therapies you can try, including deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. Massage isn’t just great for relaxing the muscles; it has many other benefits. Chronically tensed muscles often have a toxins building up in them. This causes the circulation of your blood and lymphatic fluid to become constricted. If you allow this problem to go on for several months or for several years, you’re going to develop serious diseases. Consider getting a massage by a certified massage therapist to get rid of all the tension in your body. If getting a professional massage is something you’ve never done before, now is as good a time as any to get one.
Wherever you might be right now with your physical stress or how bad things might seem for you, there are things that you can do to both control and then to reverse your situation. When you’re just starting out things might seem bleak but you have to know that your body is going to respond positively to just about any action. The rate at which you can recover is going to shock you–especially when you start doing the right things.
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